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Sometimes it is good to laugh at ourselves

10 Aug

A couple of days ago I was reflecting on my time at Mirfield with the Verona Fathers (Comboni Missionaries). There was a couple of incidents which in hindsight made me both squirm and laugh at the same time. Squirm because what potential danger I put myself in and laugh because what else do you do when you realise you have made an absolute arse of yourself.

The first incident involved me and two other lads (I think one was Chris Lloyd) and we decided to go into the science lab (opposite the tuck shop). Armed with a Quink Ink bottle and not much intelligence we quickly located the hydrochloric acid and some granulated zinc. Incidentally we did not have a clue as to what would occur when you mix these two substances. We put the lid of the bottle back on and quickly the contents started to glow red. I ran out with it in my hand and it promptly blew up in the corridor. Not much chance of hiding this event. Wasn’t long before we found ourselves in Frasier’s office. For our stupidity we received the cane. Not sure of how many strokes. To this day I still cannot fathom how I did not lose a hand or a couple of fingers.Anybody else remember this event?

The second incident involved a horse that was kept in the field just below the football pitches. Myself and another couple of lads decided that we would attempt to ride away to a glorious future. I attempted to climb on to the horse. The horse reared up and I fell off and the horse’s hooves just missed my head! Any thoughts of galloping off was quickly stopped.

Let us know what mischief you all found yourself in.



Sometimes it is good to laugh at ourselves

10 Aug


A couple of days ago I was reflecting on my time at Mirfield with the Verona Fathers (Comboni Missionaries). There was a couple of incidents which in hindsight made me both squirm and laugh at the same time. Squirm because what potential danger I put myself in and laugh because what else do you do when you realise you have made an absolute arse of yourself.

The first incident involved me and two other lads (I think one was Chris Lloyd) and we decided to go into the science lab (opposite the tuck shop). Armed with a Quink Ink bottle and not much intelligence we quickly located the hydrochloric acid and some granulated zinc. Incidentally we did not have a clue as to what would occur when you mix these two substances. We put the lid of the bottle back on and quickly the contents started to glow red. I…

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Sometimes it is good to laugh at ourselves

7 Aug

A couple of days ago I was reflecting on my time at Mirfield with the Verona Fathers (Comboni Missionaries). There was a couple of incidents which in hindsight made me both squirm and laugh at the same time. Squirm because what potential danger I put myself in and laugh because what else do you do when you realise you have made an absolute arse of yourself.

The first incident involved me and two other lads (I think one was Chris Lloyd) and we decided to go into the science lab (opposite the tuck shop). Armed with a Quink Ink bottle and not much intelligence we quickly located the hydrochloric acid and some granulated zinc. Incidentally we did not have a clue as to what would occur when you mix these two substances. We put the lid of the bottle back on and quickly the contents started to glow red. I ran out with it in my hand and it promptly blew up in the corridor. Not much chance of hiding this event. Wasn’t long before we found ourselves in Frasier’s office. For our stupidity we received the cane. Not sure of how many strokes. To this day I still cannot fathom how I did not lose a hand or a couple of fingers.Anybody else remember this event?

The second incident involved a horse that was kept in the field just below the football pitches. Myself and another couple of lads decided that we would attempt to ride away to a glorious future. I attempted to climb on to the horse. The horse reared up and I fell off and the horse’s hooves just missed my head! Any thoughts of galloping off was quickly stopped.

Let us know what mischief you all found yourself in.



Verona Fathers Stillington

18 Feb

Mirfield Part 2 1960 – 1964

18 Feb

Mirfield 1960 – 1964

18 Feb

6 Nov


Here are a few of my random memories concerning our outward bound endeavours.One name that springs to mind is Francis Hollahand.One winter ascent of Helvelyn we had to carry him from the summit with hypothermia primarily   because his walking boots had no tongues and let in snow. Another name to play with is Gerald Duffy he was part of a group that I was with that attempted a gold expedition in November, much against the advise of the inspector who came out from Kendal and stated that we were either stupid or real tigers to be going on the Lakeland fells at that time of year . After several mishaps,including losing one of our party on some fells called the hundreds above Ambleside in the dark, we abandoned our attempt and pitched our frozen tent in a farmers field where we were retrieved the following day.(real tigers)

The lads that…

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Duke of Edinburgh

31 Oct

Here are a few of my random memories concerning our outward bound endeavours.One name that springs to mind is Francis Hollahand.One winter ascent of Helvelyn we had to carry him from the summit with hypothermia primarily   because his walking boots had no tongues and let in snow. Another name to play with is Gerald Duffy he was part of a group that I was with that attempted a gold expedition in November, much against the advise of the inspector who came out from Kendal and stated that we were either stupid or real tigers to be going on the Lakeland fells at that time of year . After several mishaps,including losing one of our party on some fells called the hundreds above Ambleside in the dark, we abandoned our attempt and pitched our frozen tent in a farmers field where we were retrieved the following day.(real tigers)

The lads that supervised us from the centre in Dewsbury were fun if a little harsh.I remember one of them giving us a warning about using petrol to start a fire,which he then proceeded to do . The petrol can ignited, he dropped it and covered himself in burning fuel. Then there followed a quick lesson in how to extinguish a burning human.

Next instalment canoeing on the Calder(Francis features in another near death experience ) Photo is me(hanging)Gerald  Meen?(rear) Francis Hollahand?(on the floor) either Mitch or Gerry McLaughlin on the left .If you know any different let me know All the best Degs
